
Anodix is an effective system against legionella. The system consists of an oxidation chamber with anodes, electronics and a flow sensor.

Anodix uses the anodic oxidation method

Anodix requires no additives and has been on the Norwegian market for 15 years. There are more than 500 facilities around Norway like schools, hospitals, old peoples home, office buildings, sport halls etc

AnodiX® Installation and usermanual

Termorens All-In-One

Anodix® In english

Anodix er å finne på

  • Hospital
  • Sports facilities
  • Swimming pools
  • Kindergartens
  • Schools
  • Commercial building
  • Food production industry
  • Hotels
  • Apartment blocks
  • Ships
  • Oil platforms
  • Administration buildings

Kontakt oss

Thore Andreassen

Daglig leder - CEO

Kontakt oss

Kjell Doksrød

Salgssjef - Sales Manager

Partners / customers